torsdag 21. mai 2009

Leaving Sydney


I'm just bout to leave Sydney, I've been here for a couple of days spending time with my cousin Karen. Today I'm flying to Adelaide. would have loved to show you some photos of what I've been up to, but my stupid camera is playing games with me again, this time it's playing hide and seek. the only problem is that it is cheating, when I say "marco" that idiot camera doesn't say "polo". so obviously I cannot find it. bugger... the good thing that my other electronic stuff seems to be working, I have a phone, I have a wallet, and my relationship with my iPod could not have been better HURRA!

So I'm headdin to Adelaide, and I'm gonna drink some nice wine.

I love you and you.

1 kommentar:

  1. en stor prinsesse23. mai 2009 kl. 17:30

    heier på deg, og savner deg! stikker på innkjøringsleir i morra, så 2 uker til vi kan snakke =( take care så lenge, prinsesse!
