torsdag 18. juni 2009

The Great Ocean Road

Brian the driver and I
From Melbs I went via The Great Ocean Road back to Adelaide (the black hole), and it was amazing!! We had a campervan for 6 people and we were only 2, so it was spacious ass! We had 2 1/2 days to do the drive, which really is not alot of time when you have to do 1000km. but holy canoly it was oh so nice!!

Flott, elr hur??

Me brushing my teeth infront of the Twelve Apostles


I am strong!

Nett na er jeg in the super massive black hole (adelaide) jeg har besokt familie her, men nar de sier at blod er kjukkere enn vann, sa er det bare bullshit. etter planen skulle jeg vare her til slutten av juli, men det skjer ikke...saa reiser gjennom Outbacken pa en 7 dagers tour til Alice Springs pa mandag. hvor jeg skal etter det er noe uvisst, men mest sansynlig darwin. har utrolig lyst a dra til new zealand i august/september for a kjore brett, men om det skal skje, ma jeg fa ut fingern og jobbe litt. hva blir det av disse skattepengene da???

For more photos of Melbs & The Great Ocean Road, check out

mandag 8. juni 2009

Melbourne baby!

hello do you do?
I've been in Melbourne almost 2 weeks now, and on thursday i'm headin back to Adelaide via the great ocean road in a camper van. Again, I would love to show you photos, but I've left the wire that goes from the camera to the computer in Adelaide. So when I'm back in Adelaide, I'll put out LOTS of photos, I promice!! :)
I was at the Food and Wine festival yesterday, and wohohooo, Gordon Ramsey was there.
So much nice wine :)
I like Melbs very much, but it's goddamn cold here!! the sun is not shining and someone turned of the heat. I have to wear warm chlothes and I've lost my tan!! argh :(