lørdag 28. februar 2009


Thank you all for komments,phone calls, e-mails and texts for my birthday!! I had a super nice day, I even got a birthday cake :)
Ma yo ko from Japan.
Knowing that it also was my last day in Lennox Head, some of my friends of mine desided to throw me a humangus BBQ and Sangria birthday party down by the lake. We invited rundt 40 people and we had roughly 90 litres of Sangria. Need I say more???

Mr. Elias Sangria in the Sangria bucket.


A few days ago I went to Cape Byron again, this time with my Japanese friend Ma Yu KO

Miss Japan & miss Snow White.

The day before yesterday I dro from Lennox and I'm now in Brisbane staying with tante Gwen og onkel David. As you probably kan gjette, I have no plan and no peil how long I'm staying here or where to go next. Life is wonderful and so are jaggu you to!


mandag 23. februar 2009

The turtle nest

For over 2 weeks now we have, as I told you, been going down to the turtle nest every night to check if they have hatched. The first possible day they could have hatched was by the full moon last week. There had been no obvious activity in the nest, and we were all starting to loose hope. Either that it was a "falce" nest, or that the storms we have had killed them, and since they were so overdue, the guys from the Seabird Rescue Sentre desided to dig up the nest this morning. We started very carful to dig up the sand where they thought the eggs would be, but there was no sign of anything. We started to dig at the other end, and still not a sign of a single turtle. As we all were starting to loose all hope, and feeling a bit silly for garding a nest with nothing in it, we found an empty egg, not a dead one, but one that had hatched!!! Seconds later, we saw not only one, but all together about 70 teeny weeny sea turtles leying in the sand just waiting to get to the surf!!

This was an amazing moment in my life that I will remember for ever. They were so small and strong, and so eeger and determent to get down to the water. There were still quite a few eggs that didn't hatch yet, so we covered the nest back up and wait for more to come :)

All together there will be between 100 and 200 turtle eggs in that nest. The amazing thing is that in 30 years from now, the females will return to the exact same beach to lay their eggs. There are recordings of turtles that have travelled as far as from Australia to Canada and then back again to make a nest!

Of those 200 from a nest, sadly only 1 make it back to the beach. Most of the guys at the Rescue scentre work on a voulantere basis, and sadly they are not provided enough money to rescue all the Sea animals that need to be saved.
To make an effort to rescue more of those creatures, I have started to bake super nice chocolate muffins, and I sell them at the reception in the hostell, the bussines is going good! :)

This afternoon things just keept on getting better. More than a month ago, I managed by accident to delite all the music on my iPod. For those of you know me, will understand that that was very hard for me. I thought I would be fine by just syncing my iPod with a friend of mines music, but it just wasn't the same. so a few weeks ago I desided to send it back to Norway so it could be synced with my computer at home and then have my mum to send it back to me in Australia (haha) so today i actually got it back and I'm so happy happy!! My super nice little brother, Bernard, had even put photos of my family on it as a supprize. Thank you so much!


I shot this photo a coupple days ago, just want to share it with you. The sunrises here, are magic.

One more thing, Julias birthday festival started last thursday

lørdag 14. februar 2009

Mt Warning

The weather here in Lennox has been pretty lousy the last couple of days. The palms has statt i vinkel and it hasn't stopped raining. Today is a bit better, but still pretty bad.

A few days ago, a Dutch guy Roeland and I, climbed a mountain called Mount Warning. It is the place on the mainland that is believed to first see the sun rise. The Aboriginals call the mountain Wollumbin, which means cloud catcher.

And seff was it cloudy.

In 1770 mr James Cook passed by, and dicovered that the reefs are pretty bad out there, so he desided to call the peaked mountain Mt Warning, as a.....warning.

You can see the mountain in the back

Very steep!

On our way up, we saw quite a few snakes, but only pythons, so nothing to worry about.

The mountain recuires a good level of fitness.

Mt Warning is still of cultural and traditional significance for the Bundjalung people, and generally advise people not to climb the mountain, unless you feel called to do it. Roeland felt called, and I didn't know about all this 'til we were back in Lennox.

torsdag 12. februar 2009


na er det jaggu pa tide med litt up dates her!!
Diller fremdeles rundt i Lennox Head, det er sa utrolig fint her. Jeg bor i et hus like ved stranda som heter the 7 mile beach, oh yes, den er laaaang! jeg ga fra Byron Bay langs stranda til Lennox, hvis jeg foler for det. Har ikke gjort det enda, men det er pa my to do list.

Jeg og ei jente fra Holland are house watching a house in 'til 10 of March, eierne driver et backpackers her i Lennox og har reist pa skiferie til US&A.
Det er ganske sa lux a ha eget rom med stooor seng, eget bad, kjokken, stue og vaskedame :)

Tash og jeg har kommet fram til en deal hvor jeg lager mat og hun vasker opp, det passer meg ganske sa bra.

Med pa kjopet har vi Casper og Misty, det er de lateste hundene jeg noen gang har mott. De er totalt ubrukelige og gjor ikke anna enn a ikke gjore noe.

Tafatte Casper.

Dagene her gar med til bading pa stranda eller i tea tree lake, litt forefallent arbeid rundt omkring, litt jobbings pa 7mile cafe borti svingen, surfing, mingling med backpackerne som bor her og generellt dilling rundt. Moter utrolig mange rare og fantastiske mennesker fra hele verden. har ikke vart so mange nordmenn her, men nok av tyskere, svensker og briter.

Dette er utsikten jeg har fra rommet mitt. Hver kveld sovner jeg til lyden av havet, og det er den samme lyden som vekker meg hver morgen.

Hver kveld stikker vi ned pa stranda for a sjekke om det har skjedd noe in the turtle nest. det er ei stor skilpadde pa 1 meter lang, som har lagt mellom 100 og 200 egg. det var fullmane pa tirsdag, so any day now, blir det klekkings av egg.


Har fatt en del meldinger fra dere hjemme ang skogbrannene som herjer nede i Victoria rundt Melbourne. det som skjer der, er veldig skremmende. det er omlag 300 som har mistet livet og odeleggelsene er enorme. de viser bilder pa nyhetene dagen lang, og tv aksjoner samler inn penger som bare det. heldigvis befinner jeg meg langt unna brannene, men gjester som har bodd her er berort og det setter en god stookk i en froken som er langt hjemmefra.

Vet det er tvillingbursdagsfeiring pa gang i Stryn denne helgen. Skulle sa gjerne ha feira med dere!! Haper dere rocker bolla pa Cafe Olai :)
Jeg tenker masse pa dere og savner dere.

Aussie klem